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Dear Reader,

My name is Porter Stansberry.

And what you’re about to discover is one of the greatest financial stories I’ve uncovered in my close to three decade career.

In the late ‘90s, I started an investment research firm, now known as MarketWise.

It has since become the largest firm of its kind in the world, serving hundreds of thousands of subscribers in more than 120 countries.

Together, my team and I have an unparalleled track record of predicting the biggest financial stories in America – before they became mainstream news.

In 2006, I warned speculation in the U.S. housing market would lead to the greatest financial crisis in American history since the Great Depression.

I said the world’s largest mortgage brokers, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, would go bankrupt.

I made the same prediction about America’s largest automaker, General Motors…

And America’s biggest mall owner, General Growth Properties, before it suffered the same fate.

In 2012, when the expert-class were shrieking about “peak oil”, I said it was a myth and that oil would fall to $40 a barrel.

Four years later, it did.

In the summer of 2020, I predicted Bitcoin would rise before it climbed over 500%. A year later, it did.

I could go on and on.

Over the last three decades, my partners and I have accurately called hundreds of major market moves in every sector.

In fact, I’d challenge anyone to find a firm with a more accurate track record of seeing what’s next for America.

It’s why our research is followed by some of the world’s most important economic minds like…

Jim Rogers… T. Boone Pickens… Bill Bonner… Ron Paul… Steve Eisman… Steve Forbes… Jim Grant… and countless other legends.

I’m writing this exposé today because I believe I’ve identified what could be the next major economic and financial shift here in America.

If I’m right, it will change everything.

You see, while the short-term outlook for America is among the worst it’s ever been, thanks to this new breakthrough the future looks bright.

As it unfolds I believe it could revive the soul of our nation and usher in a new era of economic prosperity and wealth.

And it’s all thanks to…

Trump's Final Gift to America

In one of his last acts as President, Donald Trump signed an executive order to revive our broken energy system.

He laid the groundwork for the release of a new technology that could forever transform America’s economy.

However, this Executive Order had nothing to do with traditional energy such as oil or natural gas… and it has nothing to do with wind, solar or any of that other nonsense.

Instead, it’s all thanks to this…

What you see here is the most powerful energy source on earth.

It’s one million times stronger than any fossil fuel in existence with a single pellet holding as much power as:

It’s not just powerful though.

This energy is also extremely inexpensive.

These pellets weigh as much as a single AA battery…

Yet could power your entire home for just $5/month.

Best part of all?

It’s clean. Yes, clean.

Unlike every other energy source in existence, it has ZERO carbon emissions and produces no greenhouse gas.

That’s why, you may find it shocking to learn that Donald Trump, of all people, gave this new energy the green light.

After all, the mainstream media has told you for years that Trump was on a mission to destroy the planet.

The truth is though: by signing this executive order – number 13972 – on January 12, 2021, just days before leaving office…

Trump did more to ensure America’s clean energy future and independence than any other U.S. President in history.

Yet, Trump’s final gift to America has nothing to do with the “green” energy solutions shoved down your throat by the establishment.

You see, most of the “green” energy solutions promoted by the Davos crowd… they aren’t clean.

Solar, wind and hydropower, these so-called “renewables” aren’t just expensive and inefficient… they’re all terrible for the environment.

Fact is: The National Bureau of Economic Research has proven they actually CONSUME far more energy than they create.

Worse, they destroy forests, waterways and local ecosystems. Ironically, all in the name of “saving the planet.”

Of course, this was never about saving the planet.

The financial elite have been profiting from this for years.

They don’t care how much you have to pay at the pump or how much you have to sacrifice in order to heat your home…

With nearly a third of Americans cutting back on basic expenses in order to pay their utilities.

That’s why, just days before leaving office, Donald Trump gave the American people a parting gift when he signed Executive Order #13972.

He fast-tracked a new type of energy that serves everyone.

It’s affordable. It’s abundant. And it’s clean.

That’s why nothing - not the political establishment, or their cronies in the mainstream media – can stop it.

And that is why all the big money players are quietly getting on board.

Billionaires Ken Griffin … Steve Cohen … Paul Tudor Jones … Jim Simons … Jeffrey Talpin … Cliff Asness … even Bill Gates.

In short: this is the single biggest development taking place in the global energy market today… yet you’ve probably never heard of it.

That ends now.

In this report I’m going to share all the details…

… and show you why I believe it has the potential to be one of the single greatest financial stories of the next decade.

You see, this story impacts everything.

And I mean everything.

Our homes, transportation, food, electricity… it all comes back to energy. Without access to 24/7 power, our life as we know it would end.

Think back to the recent blackout in Texas.

In 2021, an extreme winter storm caused a huge power failure that left millions of people without electricity.

Conventional power plants and renewable energy generators BOTH went offline due to the freezing temperatures.

It cost the state more than $195 billion in damages and hundreds of people lost their lives.

If an event like this were to occur nationwide, the results would be catastrophic.

As James Woolsey, a former director of the CIA and a senior advisor to Donald Trump warned Congress:

If America were to ever undergo a nationwide power failure, 90% of the population would be dead in just one year


If you think that can’t happen, think again.

According to Ron Johnson, a senior senator from Wisconsin and former Chairman of the U.S. Senate Committee on Homeland Security & Government Affairs:

There is a 100% certainty that at some point in the future, a large electromagnetic pulse, or EMP, or geomagnetic disturbance, or GMD, will wipe out the electric grid and leave millions of Americans stranded


Without electricity, we’ll have no access to clean water … no way to check the news on the TV, radio or Internet … we’ll have no way to cool or to heat our homes … or store food at the local grocer.

It’s happened before…


In 1859, just a few years before we set up our first electric grid, the largest geomagnetic storm in recorded history struck America.

It became known as the Carrington Event.

And LiveScience estimated the radiation from this flare was the equivalent of several nuclear bombs.

It wiped out a huge number of telegraph networks, and even caused fires inside multiple stations.

Beyond that, the damage was minimal.

After all, this was years before electricity became commercially available. Back then, people heated their homes using fire, or wood- or coal-burning stoves.

Today, more than 90% of the world’s population relies on electricity. Over a billion people have gained access to it in the last decade alone.

If something like the Carrington Event were to occur today… it would be catastrophic.

It wouldn’t just shut down the power grid… it would wipe out our entire energy system, including our oil and natural gas pipelines.

This is why, on January 12, 2021…

In his final few days in office, Donald Trump signed the single most important executive order of his administration.

An order that guaranteed America would embark down a new era of energy dominance and independence, no matter what Biden attempted.

Look, when it comes to Trump, it doesn’t matter whether you love him or hate him. I have my own views.

But there’s no denying that he, perhaps more than any other President, understood the simple fact that energy equals prosperity and human flourishing.

That’s why, during his term, crude oil production surged nearly 40%.

It’s why we surpassed Saudi Arabia and Russia as the world’s largest producer of oil and natural gas.

It’s why our exports of liquified natural gas surged nearly five-fold.

It’s why Americans were saving over $200 billion annually on their prices.

Of course, all of this sent the media into a frenzy.

They screeched about Trump destroying the planet and that the world would end in a few years.

And yet, despite slashing over 100 environmental regulations, there was no long-term harm towards the environment.

In fact, during those four years, America’s air quality increased by 7%.

On top of that, America had the largest decline of energy-related carbon dioxide emissions of any country in the world.

As U.S. Secretary of the Interior David Bernhardt says: “Trump’s environmental record is unprecedented.”

"Trump's environmental record is unprecedented"


Again, I’m not here to play politics. You have your own opinions, and I have mine. That’s part of what makes our country so great.

My point is, Trump proved we can be a good steward of the environment and be energy independent at the same time.

The political establishment doesn’t want you to think this.

And it’s why the Biden administration has gone to every effort imaginable to undo everything his predecessor set out to achieve.

He canceled the Keystone Pipeline … the border wall … and even went so far as to declare “war” on the fossil fuel business.

And we have had to pay for it.

Today, we are still suffering from the worst inflation in 40 years.

The Federal Reserve wants you to believe inflation is “only” increasing by 3% per year. That’s pure nonsense.

The European Central Bank ran a study and found that two categories – food and energy – are the leading cause of inflation across 223 countries.

And conveniently, those are the two categories of inflation that the Fed doesn’t care about.

They say these items are too “volatile” to include in their core CPI. But no level of deception can change certain facts.

Americans know that they’re getting squeezed.

Again, nearly a third of the country can barely afford to pay their electric bill.

This is perhaps why Trump is now surging amongst women and black voters…

Why he’s leading amongst Hispanics and young people…

All while Joe Biden – and the Left – is shedding support among each of their key demographics.

But even if Trump doesn’t win in November… The executive order he signed on January 12, 2021 has already ensured America’s economic future.


Trump knew that Biden would be a disaster.

He knew he would bow to the climate radicals.

That’s why, just before Biden’s inauguration, Trump crafted a plan to develop a new source of American power.

Something EVERYONE can agree on.

Now, nearly four years later, the seeds of that order are about to bear fruit.

And I believe America is on the verge of a massive energy transformation.

One that could open the doors to one of the greatest wealth-building opportunities of the last several decades.

And there is nothing that can be done to stop it.

You see, Democrats love this technology – almost as much as Republicans.

It’s one of the few remaining bipartisan issues that exist in our country.

Despite the Left’s obsession with climate technology and their contempt for fossil fuels, there is one energy source our two parties can agree on.

In fact, support for this new type of energy has been steadily rising for years.

At 2023’s COP summit in Dubai, John Kerry, America’s climate czar, called for a major investment in this new energy technology.

By the end of the summit, all 20 nations agreed and have now pledged to triple their investment by the year 2050.

Simply put:

After years of denialism and attempting to bend the laws of physics to make solar and wind power work… the entire world is waking up to the fact…

That this new energy is the future.

And it’s going to change everything.

You see, for the first time in our history, America won’t just be energy independent… we’ll have the abundance we need to bring America into the future.

Even now, new technologies like Bitcoin and artificial intelligence are putting enormous strain on our data centers.

It’s been estimated that a single data center requires as much power as 100,000 homes.

That’s why Microsoft has already planned to use this new energy tech to power its AI operations.

Think about that… the largest company in the world plans to run its largest growth engine with this alternative power.

And they’re not alone.

NASA plans on using this energy to power its space shuttles.

The DoD wants to use this same tech to power its more than 800 military bases.

But the implications are so much larger than that…

Having access to affordable, clean energy will put money back in the pockets of every American.

It will put an end to our ongoing energy crisis. And it will revitalize our national security.

That’s why I believe this new energy tech will do more to heal the soul of our nation than any politician or political program in history.

The best part…

I have identified the one company I believe stands to benefit from this new energy tech more than any other.


Because they’re the ones developing it.

At a remote location in Idaho, one government contractor is quietly developing a new form of American power.

This is a top-secret government project known as “Project Pele.”

Named after the Hawaiian god who harnessed the power of the earth’s core…

It stands for “Portable Energy for Lasting Effects.”

And for the last two years, this company has been developing a prototype that they are set to begin testing this year.

Next year, I expect it will enter commercial production. And in a few years, I believe this company will be a household name.

I believe it could become one of the fastest growing companies in our nation.

And that investors will soon rave about this company the way we do Nvidia, Amazon, and Microsoft.

Yet, outside of my readers, almost nobody knows about it yet.

This, however, is just the beginning.

As this company solidifies its position at the center of this new generation of American power… the growth could be simply extraordinary.

Here’s what you need to know:

Known as U-235, this is the only material in nature capable of sustaining a chain reaction known as “nuclear fission.”

You can see it right here on the periodic table of elements

Yes, I am talking about uranium and nuclear energy.

You see, despite being tarred and feathered for decades, Uranium is one of the most incredible forms of energy that we have.

It occurs naturally in nearly all the rock, soil and water on earth. It is 500 times more abundant than gold and about 40 times more than silver.

And yet, it is the most powerful energy source that we have ever found here on earth.

It all started in 1951, when a group of scientists met in the deserts of Idaho to create the world’s first nuclear reactor.

But eventually became one of the greatest weapons of peace and prosperity known to man.

By 1971, President Nixon set forth a bold plan to make nuclear energy the new American standard.

He called it Project Independence… and called for the construction of 1,000 nuclear power plants by the year 2000.

In the 1970s, every year saw construction begin on some 25 to 30 new reactors.

And by 1980, there were over 250 of these new nuclear power plants operating in 22 countries.

Nearly half of them were in the United States.

It was a new energy renaissance.

And to this date, our nation’s fleet of nuclear power plants continues to supply America with over 50% of our clean energy today.

Think about that… we’ve had the solution to green energy all along. But the climate lobby didn’t care.

Because it was never about the planet. It was about votes, and siphoning as much money as possible from the American people.

As a result, we’ve funneled trillions of dollars into new, experimental energy sources such as solar, wind and hydropower…

… and collectively, these “renewables” still have not caught up to the most reliable energy that we have.

Despite their age, these nuclear facilities continue to operate at or near 100% capacity.

For instance…

The Columbia Generating Station in the state of Washington is the only nuclear power plant in the northwestern U.S.

It operates at 100% capacity for 24 hours a day, 7 days per week, despite turning 40 years old this year.

It generates over 1,200 MW of power… enough to power 1 million homes with around-the-clock, 100% clean energy.

To put that in perspective…

The average coal fired plant produces less than a third of the power and at efficiency rates of just 50%.

That means half of the coal that gets burned doesn’t become energy at all.

And the average solar plant?

It produces just 11 MW of power.

Less than 1% of the Columbia Generating Station. And operates at just 20% efficiency. Not 100% … not even 50%... a pathetic 20%.

It gets worse though, much worse.

A typical nuclear plant that produces 1,000 MW of power requires just 1 square mile of land to operate.

Remember, this is enough to power anywhere from 500,000 to a million homes.

To produce the SAME amount of energy, the average solar farm requires 75 times more land.

To make room for these plants, they have to chop down massive forests that consume the very carbon they’re trying to offset.

Riddle me that one.

Wind farms? They’re even worse.

They require 300 times more land.

And the worst part of all of this?

All this green energy that was supposed to save the planet … quite literally consumes more energy than it creates.

And the energy it consumes … are the very fossil fuels they were supposed to replace.

I’m dead serious.

Because the sun doesn’t always shine and the wind doesn’t always blow…

These “farms” require significant amounts of coal or natural gas as backup in order to produce power 24/7.

Case in point: The National Bureau of Economic Research conducted a study spanning two decades and 26 different countries…

And guess what they found…

For every MW of solar or wind power installed… there needed to be 1.12 MW of natural gas or coal as backup.

Let me put this another way.

Solar and wind burns 12% more energy than it creates.

This image from the website Atomic Insights tells the full story…

For all the virtue signaling on the benefits of wind and solar…

The costs are much worse.

The fact that we’ve spent TRILLIONS of dollars on this stuff makes this the biggest financial grift in history.

Powering the entire U.S. with solar and wind would require 22,000 square miles of land – or roughly the size of New Jersey, Massachusetts and my home state of Maryland COMBINED.

And because the energy is so unreliable, we’d still need all the coal, natural gas and nuclear plants that we have today.

Hopefully this helps you understand why the cost of everything has gone up.

You see, when energy is expensive, the cost of everything else skyrockets… it’s one of the most important inputs in the global economy.

What’s more, their “clean energy” policies threaten our way of life.

Hamstringing the oil and gas industry and forcing us into solar and wind have resulted in rolling blackouts across the U.S. and Europe.

Things are so bad in Germany – ground zero for insane energy policy – that they are now tearing down a wind farm to make way for a coal mine.

Same situation in California…

After years of “going green”, Governor Gavin Newsom was forced to declare a state of emergency and authorized the construction of five new gas-powered plants.

The people are finally waking up though.

In a new poll, the University of Chicago found that fewer than half of Americans believe climate change is caused by human activity.

That includes a 10% drop in Democrats just over the past year.

I’m not saying that the climate’s not changing. The climate is ALWAYS changing. But I don’t think wasting money and polluting the environment is the way to fix it.

If we want green energy, bluer skies, and cleaner air, there’s only ONE solution.

As I mentioned earlier…

A single pellet of uranium contains more energy than 3 barrels of oil… 17,000 cubic feet of natural gas… and one ton of coal.

It’s quite literally 1 million times more powerful than any fossil fuel and there’s roughly 100 trillion tons of it in the earth’s crust.

It’s also cheaper than any other energy that we have with a single pound of uranium going for roughly a barrel of oil.

It requires less land…

Can produce energy 24/7 at 100% efficiency…

And the best part of all…

It’s actually green.

This is why Republicans and Democrats both agree…

The future is nuclear.

And it’s not just the United States.

All 20 nations at the recent COP28 summit in Dubai committed to tripling their nuclear power capacity by the year 2050.

And it’s already started.

Around the world there are 61 new nuclear reactors under construction.

Another 110 have received funding and approved by their local governments.

And another 321 reactors have been proposed beyond that.

Add it all up, and we’re talking about more than TWICE as many reactors as exist in the world today.

In China alone, they’ve proposed building 150 new reactors.

This will require 150 million pounds of uranium, which is 15 times what they’re currently using.

And there is a massive supply vs. demand shortage already.

180 million pounds of uranium is required to fuel the world’s existing reactors.

That’s 30 million MORE than the world’s uranium mines dig up each year.

That’s why the price of uranium is starting to skyrocket.

From a low of $17 in 2016…

To over $100 today.

And I believe it’s going to go much, much higher.

With so many reactors set to come online in the coming years…

Demand is expected to rise 200% by the year 2040.

That’s three times more than today … and we already have a shortfall of 30 million pounds.

Think about what happened to the oil market during Joe Biden’s administration.

He promised to wipe fossil fuels off the face of the earth.

He canceled the keystone pipeline which would have shipped over 800,000 barrels of oil per day into the states.

Then low and behold, oil prices started to skyrocket.

In 2022, Big Oil saw its biggest profits of all time.

While the average American suffered.

You’d think the Biden administration would’ve learned its lesson.

But it didn’t. The United States currently imports about $1 billion worth of Uranium per year from Russia.

Congress just recently placed a new sanction banning these imports.

This will make uranium prices even more expensive than they are now.

Already, we’ve seen companies like Cameco, the world’s largest uranium, double in price over the last year…

Uranium Energy, another miner, recently shot up over 200%.

While Constellation Energy, the largest provider of nuclear power in the U.S., has jumped almost 300% over the last two years. In February, it was the top-performing stock in the S&P 500, outpacing even high-growth AI stocks like Nvidia.

But I’m not going to tell you to go out and buy Cameco or any other uranium miner for that matter.

And I’m not going to suggest you invest in a utility provider like Constellation Energy.


Because as mentioned earlier, uranium is the most efficient energy source on earth.

This single pellet is 1 million times more powerful than fossil fuels like oil and coal.

Utility providers sign multiyear contracts with miners to get their uranium at a fixed price.

And once all the deals are locked in place, there’s a good chance we could see the price of uranium fall, and fall dramatically.

On the other hand, there’s a chance these companies could continue to produce enormous profits for investors for years.

Citibank predicts uranium will average $110 per pound next year. Bank of America predicts it will average $115.

At these elevated prices, there’s no denying that these companies are cash cows.

But they’re not the kind of companies that I prefer to invest in. I prefer world-class, capital efficient businesses with:

  1. An unstoppable competitive advantage
  2. A TON of cash
  3. And a plan to grow not just years, but decades into the future.

For example…

In his letter to shareholders in 1997…

Jeff Bezos outlined a vision for Amazon that would make it one of the key players in the Internet Revolution.

At the time, revenues were up 833%.

And he was sitting on over $100 million in cash.

But whereas most saw nothing more than an online bookseller, I saw the makings of a global ecommerce powerhouse.

Bezos was using the power of this new technology (the Internet) to carve out his own space in the real world with a massive network of distribution.

That’s why, while stocks like Qualcomm and Cisco had become the brides of Wall Street, I started telling my subscribers about Amazon instead.

If you’d bought and held since then, you would have seen returns of 5,268%.

It was a similar story in 2006 when my partners and I recommended Microsoft.

The stock was still down 50% since its peak in the dotcom bubble.

However, we predicted the company was sowing the seeds for a historic comeback.

By the end of the decade, nearly every computer in the world was running on Microsoft’s operating system.

And by then, the Internet was growing rapidly and we predicted that Microsoft would be a big winner.

We were right. Today, it’s the largest company in the world and the stock is up over 1,000%.

And in 2016, my firm recommended the world’s #1 AI stock – Nvidia – when it was trading for a split-adjusted price of just $12 per share.

Even back then, Nvidia had the most powerful computer chips in the world.

At the time, they were serving a niche business in the video game industry.

But as technology grew, it was clear that demand for the world’s most powerful microchip would expand dramatically.

Since then, the stock is up over 5,000%.

Each of these three companies were the world’s BEST at what it did.

And the same goes for the world-class business I’ve found that’s leading the charge on the world’s nuclear revolution.

Right here, inside this facility in Idaho.

An American company has received a contract from the U.S. government to develop a new type of nuclear reactor that could transform our civilization.

You see, while hundreds … literally hundreds of reactors are being developed in Asia…

In the United States, we have virtually none.

Last year, the first new American reactor in 30 years went online. Besides that, there’s just one other reactor in the works.


It’s because while uranium is extremely efficient … and much, much cheaper than oil, gas, coal or renewables…

Building large scale nuclear reactors is not. Each reactor costs tens of billions of dollars and can take between 10 and 15 years to build.

In fact, the newest reactor in Georgia spent 14 years under construction.

And the final cost for it, and one other reactor under construction, came in over $30 billion – or twice the original estimate.

But inside this facility…

They are working on a new generation of what are known as “microreactors.”

These microreactors, as their name implies, are 100 to 1,000 times smaller than traditional reactors like these.

They don’t cost tens of billions of dollars, either.

It’s been estimated that these microreactors will cost as little as $100 million a pop.

And unlike large reactors, they can be mass produced in a factory.

And shipped on a truck.

And assembled on site within 72 hours.

Not 14 years. Just 72 hours.

This is a massive breakthrough.

And despite their size, they’re powerful.

In fact, relative to their size, they create up to 50 times more power than a normal reactor.

But the most incredible thing of all…

They’re not just clean … affordable … and efficient…

Unlike normal reactors…

These microreactors are also renewable.

You fuel them ONCE and they can run on the same fuel for up to 10 years.

“Breakthrough” doesn’t even begin to describe it.

This may be the ONLY way to revive our broken energy grid.

And it’s the ultimate irony that Donald Trump was the one who greenlit this technology.

Trump PROVED that America can be a good steward of the environment and be energy independent at the same time…

While the Left believes these things are mutually exclusive.

You can see where that’s gotten us.

Under President Biden, America has been trapped in an ongoing energy crisis.

In two years, gas prices surged by 100%.

And today, over 30% of Americans are being forced to forgo basic needs in order to pay their electric bills.

And while the supply of energy is shrinking, demand is shooting up.

Due to new technologies like Bitcoin and artificial intelligence, we’re seeing massive energy use inside of our data centers.

AI alone uses as much energy as a small country such as the Netherlands.

While Bitcoin uses more energy than 80% of the nations on earth.

The same holds true for each of the ten biggest cryptos, including Ethereum and Solana.

This is why energy demand in the U.S. is expected to surge 81% faster than previously expected.

This is all happening while the global middle class is expected to add 100 million new members per year for the foreseeable future.

Global electricity demand is currently growing at a rate of 3.4% annually.

At that pace, demand will be 100% higher over the next 20 years.

The bottom line…

The world needs more, newer, and better power.

Even without government intervention, fossil fuels simply cannot keep up with this sheer level of demand.

This is why China is investing almost $500 billion to revitalize its energy system with nuclear power.

China currently gets 60% of its electricity from coal.

In its major cities, the air is so thick you can hardly breathe.

That’s why China is proposing to build 150 new large-scale reactors and is even designing its own microreactors.

Their goal is to replace nearly all 3,000 of their coal-fired generators with clean energy by 2060.

But due to the sheer cost of these large scale reactors…

They simply will not be enough.

The two newest reactors in Georgia cost over $30 billion to build.

At that same price, it would cost China almost $2.5 trillion to build 150 reactors.

That’s why these microreactors are the future.

Simply put, if we want abundant, clean, affordable energy…

This is our only option.

And I have found the one company that holds the key.

This is no would-be startup. It’s one of the most important businesses in the country when it comes to our national defense.

And it’s been pioneering advancements in nuclear energy technology since the ‘50s.

That’s why they won a competitive contract with the U.S. government to design the new flagship product for Project Pele.

What’s so special about this company?

It’s the same firm that designs the small reactors located on America’s fleet of nuclear warships and submarines.

They’ve been supplying our military with this technology since the 1950s. And today, they’re the sole manufacturer.

Until recently, this technology has remained top secret. And it was never greenlit for commercial use…

That is, until January 12, 2021, when Trump signed executive order 13972, entitled Promoting Small Modular Reactors for National Defense and Space Exploration.

In it, he wrote:

Nuclear energy is critical to United States National Security...

The purpose of this order is to take an important additional step to revitalize the United States nuclear energy sector, reinvigorate America’s space exploration program, and develop diverse energy options for national defense needs.


He went on to cite the importance of developing small modular reactors, or microreactors, to maintain America’s lead in innovation, national security and energy dominance.

This is particularly vital to the Department of Defense.

The DoD is one of the largest consumers of energy in the world.

It consumes 10 million gallons of fuel per day and 30,000 gigawatt hours of electricity per year – nearly all of which is provided through civilian electrical grids.

Our military maintains nearly 800 bases in over 70 countries.

And again, virtually ALL of them rely on local grids.

This is why microreactors are so important to our military’s energy independence.

And at this remote sight in Idaho…

One company has quietly been fulfilling Trump’s order.

They’ve spent the better part of the last two years developing the world’s first small modular reactor, or SMR, designed for commercial use.

The prototype is set to begin testing this year and could begin large-scale, commercial manufacturing as early as next year.

This technology is a game changer. Microreactors powered by nuclear energy won’t just power the future.

They ARE the future.

With reactors that are up to 50 times more powerful than the current technology…

We’ll have ALL the power we need to revive our broken energy grid.

I believe this stands to become the single biggest development in American history.

Just as fossil fuels have powered over a century of modern marvels, this new generation of nuclear power holds the key to our future.

And it could all hinge on one, little-known company developing the world’s very first microreactor.

And now, it is preparing to apply this same technology on a much larger scale.

The prototype for its first microreactor is almost ready.

When it begins testing at this remote lab in Idaho, I believe that overnight, it could become one of the most important energy companies in the world.

Of course, I could be wrong.

All new technologies and investments carry risk.

And I’m not suggesting you invest in this company – my goal is simply to provide you with the research my firm has carried out.

That’s why I want to send you a copy of my briefing exploring this remarkable company and their incredible microreactor technology.

It’s called:


And this report contains a detailed analysis into this innovative American company and the role it plays in our nation’s future.

It reveals everything you need to know about the nuclear revolution, including:

In the next 10 years, I wouldn’t be surprised if this becomes one of the most important companies on earth.

But before you read this report, I want to be clear about one thing:

Typically, for access to my firm’s research, you would need to invest $1,425 per year for your membership.

And while we have more than ten thousand members, we are well aware that our work is out of reach for many people.

That’s fine. Our research is not for everyone. We typically cater to a smaller, more elite group of readers.

Our members include NASA scientists, hedge fund managers, venture capitalists, billionaires, private equity managers, bank Presidents, and private wealth managers.

However, the story I’ve told you about today is so important I believe everyone should have access to this information.

Because now that we have a government authorized technology that makes it possible to deliver nuclear energy to anyone, anywhere, at any time…

… the biggest problem with nuclear power has been solved and I believe the industry is about to see an unprecedented resurgence.

And I’m not the only one saying this…

Guys with credentials like these…

They don’t “hype” things up for no reason. They know that nuclear energy is the key to solving America’s energy crisis.

And as you’ve now seen for yourself, so do America’s billionaires…

Now, so has the U.S. government…

The DOD has pledged to invest $1.2 billion in nuclear technology, and they plan on investing another $5.5 billion over the next decade.

But this briefing into the leading SMR company is just one of the opportunities I want to get into your hands today…

There’s a number of other incredible stories that are essential for anyone who is looking to safely invest in the current AI boom.


The first briefing I want you to read is one of the most important the team here at Porter & Co. has ever written.

It’s called The A.I Illusion.

It’s an exposé into the truth about the A.I markets…

You see, the truth about artificial intelligence has been grossly misrepresented by the mainstream media, financial press, and Wall Street.

In an effort to capitalize on the frenzy around artificial intelligence, many companies and pundits have lied to you.

They’re doing it to drum up new investment, inflate their valuations, generate media attention, and enrich themselves.

And unless you know what’s going on… you could see your investment portfolio decimated in the months ahead.

What you’ll discover inside The A.I Illusion will contradict EVERYTHING you’ve been told by the mainstream media over the last 12 months…

You’ll get an unflinching view into what’s really going on in the artificial intelligence markets…

Why much of what you’re being told is a lie, and how you can see through the hype.

My analysts and I detail the sector in a way you’ve never seen before…

We analyze the current market (and the key companies in it) with a sober, unbiased view that cuts through the hype and misinformation that is leading most investors down a dangerous path.

We detail the companies you must avoid at all costs… along with the companies who could benefit from A.I over the long-run.

These are not the typical AI companies you see other analysts or Wall Street talking about…

Instead they’re companies quietly applying artificial intelligence to strategically grow their already exceptional businesses…

There are three companies in particular I want you to know about and along with your copy of The A.I. Illusion I’d like to send you our research analysis of each.

Nobody else – whether it’s the mainstream press, investment bank, Wall Street firm, or independent financial publisher – is telling you this story.

If you have ANY exposure to ANY tech stock right now you must read this special A.I Illusion briefing immediately.

And as I mentioned earlier…

To ensure this research is something everyone can benefit from, my firm has launched a new initiative for The Big Secret on Wall Street.

Here’s what you need to know…

Typically, membership to my advisory costs $1,425 a year.

Considering our remarkable track record, the depth of our research, the experience of our analysts, and the quality of investment ideas we publish, that’s a steal.

However, one of the most common questions my team receives is if there is a way to get access to The Big Secret on Wall Street without investing so much up front.

Before now, the answer was always no.

But, given the critical importance of today’s video, my team and I have decided to launch a new initiative that will empower more people to benefit from our work without the significant upfront investment.

Let me explain:

First, if you join The Big Secret on Wall Street today, I’m going to apply a 30% discount to your first year’s membership.

That means, instead of $1,425, you can get access for just $1,000.

But that’s not all I’m doing for you…

I’m also going to give you the option to test-drive our work for three months before you make your final decision.

Instead of $1,000 upfront, you can invest just $199 now for an exclusive trial that gives you full, unrestricted access to everything inside for the next 90 days.

After your trial period, if you choose to remain a member, you’ll be automatically billed a quarterly membership dues of $300.

Of course, you’re under no obligation to continue and can cancel your membership at any time.

However, I believe once you experience the quality of our research, you’ll never look back.

As a member, you’ll not only get instant access to everything we’ve covered today…

… you’ll also get ongoing research and analysis from my team and I.

Every Friday at 4pm we will send you a new report that details a new opportunity, financial story, or market risk we’re watching.

Not every issue will include a new recommendation – the markets don’t work that way – and we absolutely refuse to recommend something just to meet an arbitrary publishing schedule.

So if you’re looking for a constant stream of “hot” stocks – regardless of the quality or risk – The Big Secret on Wall Street is not for you.

And while you will hear from me every Friday at 4pm, there’s no way to tell in advance what I’ll write about.

What I can promise you though is that my team and I will ONLY ever give you the same advice we would give our loved ones.

Although our approach differs from many others in the publishing world, as my track record proves, it’s the only correct approach.

Don’t take my word for it though.

Listen to what one of our members wrote to tell me:


My wife’s IRA account, which I manage, is up 105% this year.

What can I say but “THANK YOU” for teaching me about investing, and for providing me (and all your readers) a way to gain the confidence to think for myself and manage my own portfolios.”

Everything I’ve told you about so far is just the tip of the iceberg though.

There’s far more waiting for you inside The Big Secret on Wall Street.

As a member, you’ll get our model portfolio where each and every recommendation is tracked – along with ongoing analysis and buy/sell ranges.

And as you can see, the performance is exceptional with many of our companies already up by high double-digits in less than a year.

Of course, all investing involves risk and past performance does not guarantee future success…

… but I can promise my team and I will always go above and beyond to provide you with the highest quality editorial work on the market.

Along with our model portfolio…

You’ll also get access to The Big Secret on Wall Street Library with every past issue logged for easy access.

And perhaps most exciting of all, you’ll get a digital invitation to our Annual Conference.

Every year, I host a meeting at my farm for our best contacts, investment analysts, and a small group of elite investors.

Invitations to this meeting are highly coveted because of the quality of the investment ideas that are openly shared.

For example, one of the company’s we recommended exclusively to conference attendees was the payment processor, Adyen.

Since then it’s already up by more than 115%.

Access to my farm is by invitation only, but as part of today’s special offer, I’m giving you a digital access pass to attend the event.

If I were to charge for this event, it would be at least $2,500 for digital access and at least $5,000 for in-person access.

But access is included for free when you join The Big Secret on Wall Street today.

Now, as I said before, membership typically costs $1,425 per year but given the importance of today’s message, we’ve set up an exclusive deal for you.

All the details are clearly laid out on the next page – along with a full recap of the offer and your different membership options, discounts, and bonuses.

To get started, simply click the button below now.


Or, if you prefer, you can call my office to discuss this offer.

The number is on the next page for you and my team will be happy to talk to you and answer any questions you have.

For just a few dollars a day you can get access to financial research that not only costs us millions to produce…

… but that could be the difference between you losing a fortune or making a fortune in the years to come.

All you’ve got to do is take advantage of this special discounted offer while it’s still available.

Simply click the button below and you’ll be taken to an encrypted webpage where you can review everything waiting for you and secure your spot.


Finally, I just want to say thank you for being here with me today. Whether or not you decide to join me is your choice.

All I can say is I hope to see you inside.

Thank you

Porter Stansberry